

Web based test management system can be installed on the Linux or Windows machines. Main components are:

  • PosgreSQL database server
  • Python
  • Pylons application server
  • eKorpus software.

eKorpus software and seed database can be asked by e-mail ekorpus@eki.ee.

Here we describe Gentoo Linux installation.


PostgreSQL versions starting 8.2 can be used. Install:

cave resolve postgresql-server -x     # install software
cave config postgresql-server         # do initial configuration
/etc/init.d/postgresql-9.0 start      # start the server

Default configuration is ok for eKorpus. Create the eKorpus user and load the data:

createuser -U postgres korpus
psql -U postgres postgres <korpus.sql

Verify that DB is vorking:

psql -U korpus


You probably have Python already installed but we need Python2 and not Python3

cave resolve "<dev-lang/python-3" -x
cave resolve psycopg -x   # PostgreSQL API for Python


Web application server installation is handled by script ekorpus-env-build.sh which also installs correct versions of supporting packages:

python virtualenv.py ekorpus-env
source ekorpus-env/bin/activate
easy_install paste==1.4.2
easy_install pastedeploy==1.3.3
easy_install pastescript==1.7.3
easy_install routes==1.7.3
easy_install webhelpers==0.3.4
easy_install sqlalchemy==0.3.11
easy_install mako==0.2.5
easy_install nose==0.11.1
easy_install decorator==3.1.2
easy_install formencode==1.2.2
easy_install "pylons=="
easy_install pygments
easy_install Babel

To execute this script:

curl http://virtualenv.py

Supporting software

Sox is used for splting recordings:

cave resolve sox -x

eKorpus web application

Unpack eKorpus software somwhere and Change to this directory and run:

paster serve production.ini

It might be that you need to customize the production.ini file.

Now You can access eKorpus on link

Adding a new GUI language to eKorpus

Internationalization support is implemented in eKorpus using Babel .

To add a new GUI language for example fr change to eKorpus directory and execute following commands:

python setup.py init_catalog -l fr

For simple GUI updates execute the following commands:

python setup.py extract_messages
python setup.py update_catalog

Update translations:

python setup.py compile_catalog -f

Create ekorpus/templates/admin/fr/intro.html Create flag icon ekorpus/public/fr.gif Add ‘fr’ to available ui_languages in ekorpus/lib/base.py Add flag to the menu in ekorpus/templates/widgets.mak Add selections to database