

Here are forms available for administrators (this is a clickable map):



This form lists all the usres and their recordings and tests they have taken. It is generated by list(). You can examine and modify all of them:

  • user data
  • recording data
  • tesy data.


On this form you can change user data or register a new recording done by this user. It is generated by edit() and stored by save().


Add recording

Add a new recording for this user. It is generated by RecordingsController.add() and stored by RecordingsController.save().


User test result

This form shows the test results for this user. It is generated by TestsController.show().



The recordings form lists all registered recordings with their dictor, link to the WAV file and all available segmentations. It is genereted by list().


Edit recording

Here You can update the data of a recording: upload a WAV or segmentation (Praat TextGrid). It is genereted by edit() and stored by save().


Recording segmentation

This form shows a recording segmentation with links to segment WAVs. It is genereted by index().



List of all tests. Generated by list().


Create test

Create a new or edit an test. It is genereted by edit() and its results are stored by save().


Select items

Select items for a test. On the right are sentence level segmentations which You can expand and drag and drop sentences to the left box. addsegment This is handled by build(), addsegment(), removesegment() and order().


Execute test

This is test execution form. It is genereted by test() and its results are stored by results().


