Anonymous users *************** Here are the GUI forms for the anonymous users (this is a clickable map): .. graphviz:: :alt: Anonymous digraph model { node [shape=none]; edge [color=lightgray]; rankdir=LR; home [URL="#home", image="images/thumb/home.png" ]; reports [URL="#reports", image="images/thumb/reports.png" ]; "reports tests" [URL="#tests-query", image="images/thumb/reports_tests.png" ]; "reports tests result" [URL="#tests-result", image="images/thumb/reports_tests_result.png" ]; "reports sentences" [URL="#sentences-query", image="images/thumb/reports_sent.png" ]; "reports sentences result" [URL="#sentences-result", image="images/thumb/reports_sent_result.png" ]; "reports valence" [URL="#valence-query", image="images/thumb/reports_valence.png" ]; "reports valence result" [URL="#valence-result", image="images/thumb/reports_valence_result.png" ]; "login" [URL="#login", image="images/thumb/login.png" ]; "applications" [URL="#applications", image="images/thumb/applications.png" ]; "emotion detector" [URL="#emotion-detector", image="images/thumb/valence.png" ]; "emotion detector result" [URL="#emotion-detector-result", image="images/thumb/valence_result.png" ]; home -> "login" home -> reports home -> applications reports -> "reports tests" "reports tests" -> "reports tests result" reports -> "reports sentences" "reports sentences" -> "reports sentences result" reports -> "reports valence" "reports valence" -> "reports valence result" applications -> "emotion detector" "emotion detector" -> "emotion detector result" } Home ==== The opening page of eKorpus shows short introductory text and lists articles related to eKorpus. .. image:: ../images/framed/home.png Login ===== Login form. *Registration code* is a way to create a new user account. After entering this code user is presented a form to enter identification data. This form is handled by :meth:`~.AdminController.signin`. .. image:: ../images/framed/login.png Reports ======= This page lists the reports available to the unauthenticated user. This form is handled by :meth:`~.ReportsController.list`. .. image:: ../images/framed/reports.png Tests query ----------- One the next page you can specify the query parameters for the perception test results. This form is generated by :meth:`~.ReportsController.tests`. .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_tests.png Tests result ------------ And here are the results rendered by :meth:`~.ReportsController.testsresult` .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_tests_result.png Sentences query --------------- One the next page you can specify the query parameters for perception test results for sentences. This form is generated by :meth:`~.ReportsController.segments`. .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_sent.png Sentences result ---------------- And here are the results rendered by one of these: * :meth:`~.ReportsController.segmentsresult` * :meth:`~.ReportsController.wordsresult` * :meth:`~.ReportsController.phonemesresult` .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_sent_result.png Valence query ------------- This page allows you to specify the query parameters for the sentence valence test results. This form is generated by :meth:`~.ReportsController.valence`. .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_valence.png Valence result -------------- And here are the results rendered by :meth:`~.ReportsController.valenceresult` .. image:: ../images/framed/reports_valence_result.png Applications ------------ Currently there is only one publicily available application: emotion detector. .. image:: ../images/framed/applications.png Emotion detector ---------------- Emotion detector uses keywords to determine the valence of a text sample. In this form you can enter or paste the text you are interested in. Each paragraph is analysed separately. Paragraps are separated by an empty line. .. image:: ../images/framed/valence.png This form is generated by :meth:`~.ValenceController.index` Emotion detector result ----------------------- The results of valence analysis. By moving the mouse over the bar at the end of the page the kwyword counts are presented. .. image:: ../images/framed/valence_result.png This form is generated by :meth:`~.ValenceController.color`